User Profile for obelisk

obelisk High Rating
Tagline: Behold the God Who Bleeds
Location: United States  Plano, Texas, United States
Occupation: Computer Analyst
Interests: Movies, Blu-rays, DVDs, CDs, Film Scores
Member Since: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 (6400 days ago)
Last Forum Visit: Friday, September 20, 2024 1:35 AM
Forum Posts: 8    Forum posts by obelisk
Accepted Profile Contributions: 147
Accepted Image Contributions: 86
Contribution Votes Cast: 50288
Profile Links Submitted: 8620
Contact Information
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Online Collection
Last Uploaded: Total DVDs: 14,803
Total Views: 113,840    Owned: 14,803
   Ordered: 0
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Recent Purchases
Jack & Diane
Goodbye Uncle Tom
Horizon: An American Saga: Chapter 1
If I Had a Million
Bringing out the Dead: Paramount Presents