User Profile for NEWT0N

Location: Switzerland  Zurich, Switzerland
Interests: DVDs
Member Since: Sunday, April 1, 2007 (6397 days ago)
Last Forum Visit: Sunday, January 25, 2015 1:55 AM
Forum Posts: 53    Forum posts by NEWT0N
Accepted Profile Contributions: 384
Accepted Image Contributions: 281
Contribution Votes Cast: 1923
Profile Links Submitted: 0
Contact Information
PM: Send NEWT0N a private message
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ICQ ID: 209981
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Online Collection
Last Uploaded: Total DVDs: 5,112
Total Views: 5,609    Owned: 5,091
   Ordered: 0
View collection now  [Copy this link]    Wishlist: 21
Recent Purchases
Iron Man
MacGyver: The Complete Final Season
MacGyver: The Final Season: Disc 1
MacGyver: The Final Season: Disc 2
MacGyver: The Final Season: Disc 3