I don't think I've seen this mentioned before, at least not recently, so I thought I'd throw it out there. I'm currently auditing a movie right now that already has cast and crew, but not all of the crew. So I'm going through the credits and matching it against Profiler. The one I'm working on generally has the names and roles right, but they are all mixed up. I find that when I take a break or since I usually watch the movie while editing, it's easy to lose my place in the names. I would mainly use this in crew...cast I usually just throw up a divider as my place holder. So, my suggestion is to have an editing feature within the editing feature where you can check off the names you've already checked. So some sort of check box next to the names you can mark (kind of like tagging a profile) just to show that you've seen the name and it's in the right spot. Would anyone else use this?  |