Quoting CalebAndCo: Quote: 2) When contributing a profile change, having the window come up (at least as an option) would allow a last minute check before uploading the profile. In my short time here, I have had to abort profile contributions a couple of times, make a change and submit again when I noticed something on the online submission page that I could have adjusted locally before submitting. Having done what you describe more than once (in my short time here), I started doing "Preview Changes" locally to spot the differences, decide I like what I see, then do the "Contribute DVD Profile" thing. Unfortunately, more than once in the "Preview Changes" window, I accidentally clicked "OK" instead of "Cancel", causing the online data to overwrite my carefully crafted changes, and replacing my data with the non-fixed online data.  (Yes, I'm aware of "Locks"...) I see your idea working in the following manner: 1. We click "Contribute DVD Profile". 2. A window pops up (that looks exactly like the "Preview Changes" window), buttons changed to something like "OK - Contribute This" and "Cancel Contribution", pane titles "Existing DVD Profile/Image" (left) and "New DVD Profile/Image" (right) changed to "Proposed Changed DVD Profile/Image" (left) and "Existing DVD Profile/Image" (right). 3. Clicking "OK" takes us to same place that "Contribute DVD Profile" takes us now. Not a "necessary" change, but I like it. Good Idea there Caleb & Co! Mike  |