First off, I'm still new to the contribution process so bare with me if this sounds like a newbie question. My question is directly related to anime contributions since this is the majority of what my DVD collection consists of. My question is this: Should the crew contributed be strictly those that were represented on that particular volume of an anime series or all inclusive to all those involved in that particular series? One could argue that since many anime shows that run for only 13-26 episodes are pretty much just one big long movie. Very not-episodic in any way, so I was leaning towards submitting all those involved in creating the whole series. I have a particular series that has a set of about 6 Screenplay writers that alternate episodes they work on. So a particular volume of a series might only include 4 of the 6 since they only contain 4 episodes. Now considering this, if the first volume of a series contains Screenplay writers 1-4, and Volume 2 contains Screenplay writers 5,6,1 and 2, should volume 1 contain Screenwriters 5 and 6? The series I'm refering to is Wolf's Rain, but this is the case for many anime TV series. The show as a whole will have 5-6, sometimes more Screenplay writers and they were alternate. Again, keep in mind that most anime series are nothing like American cartoons that run for 200+ episodes and are very episodic in nature. Editted to be more clear.  |