1. Data entry (limitation) 2. Display of (improvement) 3. Options choices (superfluous choice) 1. Data entry: User can specify values in the range of 1 to 5 in 1/2 point increments for each category selected in Options. Users should be able to enter values from 1/2 point to 5 points -- i.e. it is not currently possible to enter a value of 1/2 point. 2. Display: Display of the review(s) is presented in three places: 1) in the Collection list (if the user has included that column in the display), 2) in the General Info section (where the data may be entered) and 3) in the Personal information section of the Edit profile (where the data may also be entered). Display in all these places presents the values in left-justified manner, where it becomes difficult to distinguish the separate categories.  The categories can be distinguished by color coding, but it would be better if, e.g. in the above display, the turquoise color bar were presented in the right half of the window. Space is reserved for it. Something like this:  This becomes more apparant in the Collection list, where, if the column width is made narrow, the color coding is lost entirely:  3. Choices: Of the three choices  the "Simple (Movie only)" choice is superfluous, being equivalent to the last choice (Detailed) and checking only the Movie box. The "Simple" choice should be removed. |