Hi, There are separate profiles available for the German Presidential Edition. They can be found in the database under: Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter --- Disc-ID 359C-4F0F-D710-9517 --- Released July 3rd 2008 (Orig. National Treasure) Das Vermächtnis des geheimen Buches --- Disc-ID A829-7DC9-C10G-EE1B --- Released July 3rd 2008 (Orig. National Treasure: Book of Secrets) Das Vermächtnis des geheimen Buches/Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter: Exklusive Bonus-Disc --- DiscID B4FB-1B7D-4CD2-949C The easiest way would be to add the profiles above to your collection, change the locality to Norway and also change the EAN (in this case the Disc-ID) to the norwegian Discs in your set. Now you have to change the rest of the profile (audio tracks etc.) to match your discs and add the coverscans of the norwegian box. I think the Bonus Disc has the same Disc-ID as other international editions (German Disc-ID is the same disc as the Australian release I figured out when adding it to the database), so you only have to change the locality to Norway and add the norwegian covers again and also verify if it's really the same disc (I could be wrong with my assumption  ) That should be the easiest way (I hope), Have fun, PsychoM@n Edit: Don't forget to change the locality from "Norway" to "Germany" respectively "All" or you won't find the German profiles in the "Add by title" screen!  |