I'm currently in the process of adding Season 3 of CSI: Miami (Norwegian release), and have come upon a problem that I need help from owners of other localities to clear up. On Disc 2, when I press Episode 5: Legal it seems that it starts Episode 6: Hell Night (and vice versa). I also own the CSI: Bloodbox DVD, and the episode credited as Episode 6: Hell Night on this set is the episode that plays when I press Episode 5: Legal on the Season set. Another thing is that Jonathan Togo is credited with the main cast when playing ep.5, but outside the main cast in Ep.6 (and then back again with the main in Ep.7), so it seems a bit fishy... Can anyone verify if they have the same issue with their copy? Legal is supposed to be about a murder in a trendy club, while Hell Night is about a suspected murderer who gets a meat cleaver in the back of his head while jurors go through the crime scene of his suspected crime. Thanks in advance guys!  |