I think by 'single dvd container version' he just means that its one keep case with the discs in it versus a slip case with 3 keep cases. for instance look at these titles Lethal Weapon / Lethal Weapon 2 / Lethal Weapon 3: Triple Feature: Director's Cut Region 1 Released: 11/7/2006 [/DIVLEFT] [DIVLEFT MARGIN="10px"] ![](/images/DVDLogo.png) 4 Film Favorites: Lethal Weapon Region 1 Released: 11/6/2007 [/DIVLEFT] [DIVLEFT MARGIN="10px"] ![](/images/DVDLogo.png) Lethal Weapon: The Complete Series Region 1 Released: 9/7/1999 Anamorphic 2.35:1 Lethal Weapon Legacy: Director's Cut Region 1 Released: 9/5/2000 Anamorphic 1.85:1 the first two come in a normal size keep case, the second two are boxes. I bought the 4 film favorites version (for space but also because I really and holding off for them to get a directors cut set of 4, or at least a box that has matching packaging with all 4 movies and the directors cuts that are available, which the 4 film favorites actually has those version) anyway. that set is 2 discs, each are double sided so one movie on each side of the disc. the 3rd one is 4 snapper cases and the 4th one is 3 keep cases contained in a slip case. *edit* and this one Double Feature: Black Mask/New Police Story: Double Feature Region 1 Released: 12/30/1899 Widescreen 1.85:1 which is 2 discs, one single layer, one dual layer. both single sided. but they are both in one normal size keep case -Agrare |