I guess what I'm asking for is a audit tab in the Filters window. The object with this audit tab would be to find fields which are empty. Fields like: * Media Type (DVD/BR/HD) * Original Title (Empty) * Edition (Empty) * Genre (Empty) * Produced (Empty) * CoO (Empty) * Runtime (Empty) * Case Type (Empty) * Slipcover (Empty) * Studios (Empty) * Certificate (Empty) * Released (Empty) * Purchased (Empty) * Purchased Place (Empty) * RRP (Empty) * Price Paid (Empty) * Reviewed (Content/Movie) * In Main db? (True/False) * Contributed? (True/False) * Contributors (Empty/More then/Less then/Exactly) * Region (that differ from that set in options) * Locality (that differ from that set in options) * Features (Empty) * Other Features (Empty) * Subtitles (Empty) * Video format (Empty) * Audio tracks (Empty) * NTCS vs PAL and DVD region dependence * Overview (Empty) * Easter Eggs (Empty) * Notes (Empty) * Discs (Empty) * Location (Empty) * Slot (Empty) * Box Set Contents (Empty) * Front Image (Empty) * Back Image (Empty) * Crew (Empty/More then/Less then/Exactly) * Cast (Empty/More then/Less then/Exactly) I would like this to be apart of the program release and not in some plugin or a workaround. ...and yes, I wish to be less dependent to my already overly used list of TAGS  |