in the TV show "Lost" there is a character called "Sawyer". And he calles the other character names.
sawyers names
Himself: Big Bad Wolf, New Sheriff in Town
Aaron: Baby Huey
Ana-Lucia: Ana-Lulu, Cupcake, Hotlips, Lulu, Ponce de Leon, Rambina, Little Red Riding Hood, Lucy, Muchacha
Bernard: Bernie, Norma Rae, Suzy
Boone: Metro
Cassidy: Cass, Dimples
Charlie: A Reject From VH1 Has-Beens, Babynapper, Chuckie, Has-Been Pop Star, Little Limey Runt, Tattoo
Christian: Daddy
Claire: Mamacita, Missy Claire
Danielle: French Chick, French Woman
Mr. Eko: Mr. Ed, Shaft
Ethan: Jungle Boy, Ringer
Henry Gale: The Artist Formerly Known As Henry Gale
Hurley: Barbar, Deepdish, Hammo, Hoss, Jabba, Jethro, Lardo, Mongo, Muttonchops, Pork Pie, Pillsbury, Rerun, Stay-Puft, The Grape Ape, Saboo
Jack: Amarillo Slim, Chico, Cool Hand, Cowboy, Damn Spinal Surgeon, Doc, Dr. Do Right, Dr. Giggles, Dr. Quinn, The Hero, Hoss, Jackass, Jacko, Sheriff, St. Jack, Daniel Boone
Jin: Cato, Chewie, Bruce, Chief, Daddy-o, Jin Sr., Mr. Miyagi, Papa-san, Sulu
Kate: Belle of Ball, Boar Expert, Freckles, The Mighty Huntress, Puddin, Sassafras, Sheena, Thelma, Pippi Longstocking, Sweetheart, Woman, Girl
Libby: Shrink, Moonbeam
Locke: Daniel Boone, Hoss, Johnny Locke, Mr. Clean, Brutus, Gimpy McCrutch
Michael: Boss, Captain, Chief, Daddy, Han, Hoss, Mickey, Mike, Mikey
Mr. Friendly: Zeke, Bluebeard
Sayid: Abdul, Al Jazeera, Ali, Boss, Buddy, Captain Falafel, Chief, Damn Arab, Gen-u-ine I-raqi, Genius, Mohammed, Omar, Captain A-rab, Red Beret
The nickname Al Jazeera is not only an Arabic news network, but literally means "The Island" in Arabic.
Shannon: Sticks
the Shark: Old Toothy
Sun: Betty, Tokyo Rose, Sunshine, Madame Butterfly
Walt: Kazoo (or Gazoo), Short Round, Tattoo
The Island: Home, Home Sweet Home, Jungle of Mystery, The Magic Forest, Middle of Damn Nowhere, Mt. Vesuvius, The Wild
AFAIK neither opening credits nor end credits ever listed the character names of the main chars. Thus, are the above all to be listed on a season profile? Or are these names only valid for the episode in whcih Sawyer used that name?