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Slip cases and slip covers with images
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributornorthbloke
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Posted: August 30, 2007 6:19 PM
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Here are some examples using the new case types of slip case and slip cover. Please note that I mention the profile types for information only, they have no bearing on the case type chosen.


This is a movie boxset. The parent profile is a digipak with slip cover ticked, the child profiles are digipak. Do not tick the slip cover checkbox on the child profiles.


This is a keep case with the slip cover checkbox ticked.


This is also a keep case with the slip cover checkbox ticked.


This is a digipak with the slip cover checkbox ticked.


This is a movie boxset. The parent profile is a slip case, the child profiles are keep cases.


This is a TV boxset. The case type will be digipak with the slip cover checkbox ticked. If used the child profiles have digipak as case type.


Another TV box set. This has a case type of slip case. If used the child profiles have thinpak as case type.


Even though there are 2 keep cases, there is only one profile. The case type is slip case (the keep cases can't be profiled). This one is an oddity and so doesn't fit well in the rules unfortunately.


Even though this type of case is sold with only one DVD inside, they are designed to hold multiple cases, so the case type is slip case. In this example the child profiles use keep case.


This cover holds multiple cases so the case type is slip case. But it also has a sleeve so we also tick the slip cover checkbox. If used, the child profiles use keep case.

If there are any other variations you think should be here, please let me know. And apologies if my bandwidth runs out - I'm not sure how much traffic I'm allowed.
 Last edited: September 17, 2007 6:27 PM by northbloke
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorTomGaines
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Posted: August 30, 2007 6:47 PM
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Quoting northbloke:
This is a box set, so the parent profile is a slip case, and the child profiles have a case type of digipak.

This is why Ken renamed the case type "Box Set" to "Slip Case". People always confused boxset handling with case type. Just because it is handled as a boxset, does not make it necessarily a case type "Slip Case/Box Set". A Slip Case is a container holding two or more separate units. In this case it is a digipak with slip cover.

This is a keep case with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

This is a digipak with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

This is a keep case with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

This is a box set, so the parent profile is a slip case, the child profile are keep cases.


This is a TV box set, so the case type will be digipak with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

Case type is correct, but not because it is a TV box set, but because it is one single unit (digipak) inside a slip cover
Even though there are 2 keep cases, there is only one profile, so the case type is keep case with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

IMO it is a slip case (more than one unit in a container). This is a rare case, where two keep cases are only one profile.

Another one:
This is a TV box set, so it has a case type of thinpak with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

This is a slip case with thinpaks (more than one separate unit inside a container). Parent profile is Slip case and childs are thinpaks.
Being a TV box set does not make a difference regarding packaging. It is handled the same way as movie boxsets.

DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Posted: August 30, 2007 6:54 PM
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Once this has been hashed out and agreed upon, the information should be added to the current case type pinned topic instead of pinning this one.  We're getting too many pinned topics! 
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributornorthbloke
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Posted: August 30, 2007 7:10 PM
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Hi Tom,
this is what's confusing the hell out of me! So are you saying that a cover with only one case inside it is a slip cover regardless of how many profiles that case covers?
I read the definitions the other way, I believed that if a cover contained a number of profiles then it was a slip case, if there was only one profile (which is why I specified TV box set) then it got the slip cover check box instead.
Now that people can actually see what we're talking about, hopefully we can get this resolved!
Actually I've just been reading Ken's comments on another thread:
Quoting Ken Cole:
Quoting Voltaire53:
Quoting LDH:
If digipacs are in slip cover then what is the purpose of a SLIP CASE ???

AIUI when a slip is around multiple keep cases(say) so essentially Slip Case = old Box Set case type which has just been renamed so as not be be confused with 'box set' info for child profiles.

Slip cover is a new feature/info to be added to most digipaks and when there's an outer slip on a single keep case etc.

All Correct.
Just for fun, when you have a box set (multiple keep cases in a cover) with an additional see through plastic slip over the top of the box I dare say that is case type "Slip Case, Slip Cover"... and yes I have at least one

You will not be able to check the slip cover checkbox in those (should be rare) cases.  It's this way to hopefully reduce confusion.

and I think you may be right.

I've edited the first post to show where the confusion lies.
 Last edited: August 30, 2007 7:13 PM by northbloke
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorhal9g
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Posted: August 30, 2007 9:08 PM
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Dawn of the Dead:

This is a "single unit" digipak, therefore it is a case type of "digipak, with the "slip cover" checked.  (Buffy is exactly the same)


There are two separate cases within the sleeve, therefore, this one is case type "Slip Case" with "Slip Cover" unchecked.

Stargate SG-1:

Again, this is separate ThinPaks in a sleeve, therefore, it is case type "Slip Case", "Slip Cover" unchecked.

Everything else, I agree with. 

Simplified Rule:

One unit in a sleeve = inner case type + slip cover
Multiple units in a sleeve = Slip Case, no slip cover
 Last edited: August 30, 2007 9:11 PM by hal9g
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributornorthbloke
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Posted: August 30, 2007 9:14 PM
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I was in the process of re-editing my initial post as you posted. I think I've got it right now. I'm going to dig out a slip case boxset that also has a sleeve to post a picture of that.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorBlueloopstah
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Posted: August 30, 2007 9:24 PM
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Quoting northbloke:
One option is that the parent profile is a slip case, and the child profiles have a case type of digipak.
The other option is that the parent profile is a digipak with slip cover ticked, the child profiles are digipak.

I would say Parent is a digipak with slip cover ticked. Children are digipak.

Quoting northbloke:


This is a keep case with the slip cover checkbox ticked.


This is a digipak with the slip cover checkbox ticked.


This is a keep case with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

This is a digipak (just to show you can get them without a slip cover).

I agree with these.

Quoting northbloke:


This is a box set, so the parent profile is a slip case, the child profile are keep cases.

Regardless of the fact it's a box set, it's a case with more than 1 item inside therefore a Slip Case like you say.

Quoting northbloke:

This is a TV box set, so the case type will be digipak with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

Regardless of the fact it's a TV set it's a digipak with slip cover checked as it is only one item. Children would be digipak. Same as Dawn of the Dead.

Quoting northbloke:

Even though there are 2 keep cases, there is only one profile, so one option is that case type is keep case with the slip cover checkbox ticked.
The other option is that the case type is slip case (the keep cases won't be mentioned).

I would say this is a Slip Case as that is the outer packaging and it contains more than one item.

Quoting northbloke:

Another one:
This is a TV box set, so it has a case type of thinpak with the slip cover checkbox ticked.

This is identical to the Savage Sinema release. The fact it is a TV series doesn't make any difference it's a Slip Case with multiple items inside. Children are thinpaks.

I will add another item to this as well:


This should be an exception to the 1 item = slip cover, multiple items = slip case, in my opinion.

Partly because some come with more than 1 keep case inside and thus would be Slip cases anyway, and having the same thing labeled differently would cause confusion  and also because it comes with enough space to fit multiple items inside like a Slip case, which a slip cover does not.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorhal9g
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Posted: August 30, 2007 9:33 PM
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Quoting Blueloopstah:

I will add another item to this as well:


This should be an exception to the 1 item = slip cover, multiple items = slip case, in my opinion.

Partly because some come with more than 1 keep case inside and thus would be Slip cases anyway, and having the same thing labeled differently would cause confusion  and also because it comes with enough space to fit multiple items inside like a Slip case, which a slip cover does not.

The whole intent of the +Box is that it is meant to hold multiple items, therefore, it is case type "Slip Case".
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributornorthbloke
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Posted: August 30, 2007 9:55 PM
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Thanks Blueloopstah,
I've added your image to my first post.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorBlueloopstah
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Posted: August 30, 2007 10:10 PM
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Why is Alien Quadrilogy a Slip Case rather than a digipak with slip cover?

Isn't it the same as the Buffy set?

Quoting: hal9g:

The whole intent of the +Box is that it is meant to hold multiple items, therefore, it is case type "Slip Case".

Exactly, but if we end up with a rule based on how many things are inside then there would be people  claiming it was a Slip Cover because there's only 1 case inside, so it needs to be mentioned. 
 Last edited: August 30, 2007 10:13 PM by Blueloopstah
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorreybr
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Posted: August 30, 2007 10:14 PM
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I agree with almost all.. With the exception of Alien Quadrilogy. It is the exact same configuration as the Buffy Box

And according to Ken's clarification it should be a digipak: "- Slip cover over multi-disc digipak: Digipak"

The colour of her eyes, were the colour of insanity
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributornorthbloke
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Posted: August 30, 2007 10:14 PM
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I was wondering when one of you would spot my deliberate mistake....   

I'm away to bed now, so if there's any more discrepancies found, they won't be fixed until some time tomorrow.
 Last edited: August 30, 2007 11:13 PM by northbloke
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorhevanw
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Posted: August 31, 2007 10:04 AM
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Quoting hal9g:
One unit in a sleeve = inner case type + slip cover
Multiple units in a sleeve = Slip Case, no slip cover

(BTW, sleeve = regardless of whether it has one or two open sides, either left/right or top/bottom).

Also great work, northbloke, although we should be careful not to have too many examples.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributornorthbloke
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Posted: August 31, 2007 10:18 AM
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I was trying to cover all bases. Once we have official word that this is the right way to do it, I can start removing ones we won't need.

Actually - a list of ones people think we won't need would be useful - I don't want to remove any that people find useful!
 Last edited: August 31, 2007 10:19 AM by northbloke
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorBlueloopstah
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Posted: August 31, 2007 10:46 AM
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Personally I think they are all needed as this is an area people are likely to get confused about.

I would say the 4 examples of a digipak are needed as they cover, TV series, Multiple Movie Boxes, Single Movie Boxes and digipaks without a slip. People will only argue if there isn't a specific example for their particular profile.

The slip cover examples are also needed to prevent people arguing about how many holes make a slip cover (top sliding and side sliding etc.) It might also be good if we could get a pic of a slip cover that isn't a card one to show that a slip cover can be made of anything.

The two types of Slip case are good because it also shows the idea that regardless of what's inside if there's more than 1 item it's a slip case.

The anime box needs to be stated, or there will be arguments about the suggested number rule.

The futurama box is needed as it shows people an example of something we can't fully profile at the minute.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorGadgeteer
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Posted: August 31, 2007 10:52 AM
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Great job with the pics.

But who'd have thought that 1 new check box could create so much confusion and variables.

I'm not convinced at this stage it's worth the hassle, to me it seems to just confuse things more than before we had it.
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