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Let's Talk About Contribution Notes
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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Quoting DarklyNoon:
Quoting skipnet50:
You're missing it completely, Donnie.


Yeh sure, we all are missing it here, but you got the big plan.
Now we only have to start believing that.


Now you simply have to be wilkling to open your eyes, Donnie. BTW Donnie, while I am thinking about. Re; your post about Rick, i don't fire UNLESS i have been fired upon, but if you choose to fire upon me, you, Rick or anyone else can expect it to be returned, but then you cry about it.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
 Last edited: by Winston Smith
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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I mean no offense to you or Rick, Donnie but both of you have completely missed the point. That's not a bad thing, necessarily, but you just didn't understand it, and won't sadly.

If I knew how to explain it to you and Rick, Donnie, I would, from my point of view both of you have your minds closed and are far more interested in attacking the messenger.<shrugs>

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
 Last edited: by Winston Smith
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorDarklyNoon
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I got your point from post #1 on, but I disagree (see Skip, there are other opinions than yours), and i wrote that in one of my earlier posts.
I do not think that we need more excessive contributioin notes as we have right now.
It is fine the way it is. Of course there will still be contributions with too less notes, this will always happen, we are human and we make mistakes.
You will never have a flawless database, this is a thing not exisiting in this universe. Every database has some mistakes, cuz humans enter the stuff into it.

Now for the abusing, you started to abuse Rick, for no reason and i felt standing up for him, cuz he is a very valuable member to this community and I do not want him to be silenced by a bully.
Maybe you should think a bit about how you treat some people here and maybe you should change  a bit, but this is of course up to you.

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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Wrong, I did not fire upon Rick until he fired upon me. Absolutely dead wrong. maybe other people should think about they treat others. I suggest you look at Rick's post and figure out where his first attack was, that changed the whole tone of my attitude towards him as it ALWAYS does and will. My first several responses to Rick were quite civil and simply debating mt disagreement with his position...then he crossed the line.

Since you brought up the star issue as well, Donnie, i don't care nor do I think very much about it. I watched Rick institute something similar elsewhere and then watched as he and his cronies proceeded to turn it into a cruel game. i am far more concerned about the gross abuse of the system, which is allowed to persist.

I have told Rick this before and he doesn't seem to understand that from MY point of view his behavior is every bit as disgusting and offensive as that which he accuses me of. But from my point of view he is not alone we have several users who simply do know how to properly interact without resorting to sarcasm, insults, and attacks, and then when somebody slaps them for their insolence, they point the finger at he who DARED to call them for their behavior.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
 Last edited: by Winston Smith
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorPantheon
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Sorry Skip but I'm going to have to call you on your last statement.

I have just re-read this thread and see the following:

Ricks first post:
Personally I feel if the notes are good enough for Invelos to approve the contribution then they should be good enough for the rest of us. It is them who have to read everything written on every contribution submitted.

I have no doubt that if there was an issue with the notes in general not being adequate then someone from Invelos would say something about it.

There is absolutely NOTHING in that post to be offended at.

Your reply::
Your comment demonstrates a very simplistic understanding of this issue

Now....despite the 'I mean no offense' this statement IS offensive. You are belittling Rick by stating that his understanding of a topic is simplistic.

Later Rick says:
Bully for you, and thank you for all your time however not everyone has 10,000 hours to devote to this hobby. Even if they had the time my guess is very few would spend it correcting profiles. Again, you are on the far extremest end of everything DVDP. To expect the general public to conform to your ideals is not realistic.

Now....maybe the 'Bully for you' bit got your back up a bit - but honestly there is nothing offensive in this post at all.

Later you say:
I know you understand nothing about discussing something, Rick, particularly if I am the one discussing it. I am so impressed that you cleared a 100 votes, I have 200 or 300 waitingb right now...good grief. I am as impressed about your do nothing attitude as you are about my do something attitude, which is to say I am NOT.

And from this point things get nasty.

So, I'm sorry Skip, but with that last post you started being nasty. Now if the cause of this was the 'Bully for you' comment then maybe you should have told Rick that you didn't appreciate the comment.

Now I DO a hell of a lot of contributing. I do full audits of TV shows. I do full audits of ALL my DVDs. I always contribute my work for others to benefit from.

I rarely see anyone do the same. Do I sound like I'm looking for a thank-you? I'm NOT. However, I would like to think that my opinion has some leverage and that I am respected enough that people listen.....so here's a few things:

1. I think the contribution notes are fine without resorting to MORE information. If you see a note without enough detail vote NO or send a PM but we do NOT need more damned rules on the subject.

2. The reputation system seems to work fine. Here's an example: a while back I got a NO vote for posting a request in the Feature Request Forum regarding a 'Trusted Users Tickbox'. I got a negative rating from someone for it.
That rating has since been removed by Invelos.
They deemed it to be unfair and it was removed.
So, Skip....if you feel people are abusing the reputation system then why don't you have a rating star? Surely if the negative votes you get are unjustified they would be removed by Invelos? (As I am sure some of them have been).

3. If anything in this post has been stated in a manner that you find abusive then people tell me and I will apologise - because that is the mature thing to do.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributornorthbloke
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Nice post Panth, I was about to reply but you'd done it in a much more considered and even-handed way than I could have!
Though I may have given Skip the benefit of the doubt about the first point and assumed he meant simplified not simplistic.

PS Glad to hear you got your red arrow removed.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorDarklyNoon
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Quoting skipnet50:
Wrong, I did not fire upon Rick until he fired upon me. Absolutely dead wrong. maybe other people should think about they treat others. I suggest you look at Rick's post and figure out where his first attack was, that changed the whole tone of my attitude towards him as it ALWAYS does and will. My first several responses to Rick were quite civil and simply debating mt disagreement with his position...then he crossed the line.

As Pantheon stated, in also find NOTHING offensive in Rick's post.


Since you brought up the star issue as well, Donnie, i don't care nor do I think very much about it. I watched Rick institute something similar elsewhere and then watched as he and his cronies proceeded to turn it into a cruel game. i am far more concerned about the gross abuse of the system, which is allowed to persist.Skip

I think this files under "conspiracy theory". Invelos is handling this with care, as Pantheon also stated in his post.


I have told Rick this before and he doesn't seem to understand that from MY point of view his behavior is every bit as disgusting and offensive as that which he accuses me of. But from my point of view he is not alone we have several users who simply do know how to properly interact without resorting to sarcasm, insults, and attacks, and then when somebody slaps them for their insolence, they point the finger at he who DARED to call them for their behavior.

Skip, why is it that it is mostly you that gets in a fight or argument with others here ?
I would suggest you overlook your own behaviour a bit, maybe deep inside you are a good guy

DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantkdh1949
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Quoting Pantheon:
Later Rick says:

Bully for you, and thank you for all your time however not everyone has 10,000 hours to devote to this hobby. Even if they had the time my guess is very few would spend it correcting profiles. Again, you are on the far extremest end of everything DVDP. To expect the general public to conform to your ideals is not realistic.

Now....maybe the 'Bully for you' bit got your back up a bit - but honestly there is nothing offensive in this post at all.

Or maybe it was the "far extremest end of everything DVDP" that was the straw.  But I'd have to agree that I didn't see anything in Rick's posts that warranted the wrath of Skip.  But people who feel they are frequently insulted often tend to view things as insulting that don't seem insulting to an objective view.  It's clear that Skip doesn't think his point is getting across -- and maybe it isn't -- but I don't think throwing insults (or even reflecting incoming insults, perceived or actual) will do anything to help get one's point across.
Another Ken (not Ken Cole)
Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges.
DVD Profiler user since June 15, 2001
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorschultzy
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Ok, time to throw my two cents in.  I think I have two cents somewhere.  And I am sorry that this is kind of off the subject of contribution notes.

Lately it seems more and more topics go from questions or suggests that could benefit everyone to arguements that benefit no one.  Sometimes we just have to ignore someone and not respond to what they say because all that does is drag things on.  We are all human but at times we have to keep ourselves in check.

Not only does it cause issues in the forum, but it does have the potention to affect Invelos.  I have talked to several newer users that really no longer want anything to do with us in general.  I have also noticed that I see some of the old regulars posting less and less. 

It's like buy DVD Profiler today and we will thrown in at no extra charge, high school drama.

Ok, off my soap box and sorry if I offended anyone, but I am a member of the forum as well and from time to time want to speak up.
Schultzy - http://www.michaelschultz.net
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorDarklyNoon
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Quoting schultzy:
Ok, time to throw my two cents in.  I think I have two cents somewhere.  And I am sorry that this is kind of off the subject of contribution notes.

Lately it seems more and more topics go from questions or suggests that could benefit everyone to arguements that benefit no one.  Sometimes we just have to ignore someone and not respond to what they say because all that does is drag things on.  We are all human but at times we have to keep ourselves in check.

Not only does it cause issues in the forum, but it does have the potention to affect Invelos.  I have talked to several newer users that really no longer want anything to do with us in general.  I have also noticed that I see some of the old regulars posting less and less. 

It's like buy DVD Profiler today and we will thrown in at no extra charge, high school drama.

Ok, off my soap box and sorry if I offended anyone, but I am a member of the forum as well and from time to time want to speak up.

Actuall I agree, let us stop this and other arguments, this here is DVD profiler and not the white house.
We need to help new users here and we should try to keep this in a flow

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorArdos
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There's a contribution up at the moment that only lists the following in the notes -


. I'm flattered to be included but am not sure that I'm a valid source for the details 
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorAddicted2DVD
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don't know the details... but the result is pretty clear.... NO VOTE 
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsnarbo
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Quoting Forget_the_Rest:
There's a contribution up at the moment that only lists the following in the notes -


. I'm flattered to be included but am not sure that I'm a valid source for the details 

Can I quote you for all my future contributions  

DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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I've got a jar full of pennies, let me know if anybody is short on cents or isn't making any.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantkdh1949
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Quoting Dr. Killpatient:
I've got a jar full of pennies, let me know if anybody is short on cents or isn't making any.

Another Ken (not Ken Cole)
Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges.
DVD Profiler user since June 15, 2001
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorArdos
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Quoting snarbo:
Quoting Forget_the_Rest:
There's a contribution up at the moment that only lists the following in the notes -


. I'm flattered to be included but am not sure that I'm a valid source for the details 

Can I quote you for all my future contributions  


Of course you can!   

What is scary though is that it has two yes votes  .

It's actually a shame as the contribution itself is pretty good other than re-submitting the same cover scans!
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