I'm against expanding the crew further - but this is only my opinion. The only crew I currently track that I cannot submit is Choreographer. I'm also against open credits as this will create immense amounts of work for those of us who suffer from a total inability to leave a box empty if we can fill it. When I edit a profile I add everyone I am allowed to add - even if I don't particularly find the information interesting or of use (Sound section!)...if open credits were allowed I would feel obligated to complete the whole thing. But that's just me! However I do think open credits would deter a lot more people from contributing. I personally use the Custom Role to have the correct job titles locally and this is the ONLY thing I think we should be able to contribute. I used to contribute a lot and one of the major reasons I reduced that is because I really can't be faffed with all the hassle of following the rules to the nth degree. For example...Birth Years are a total nightmare to find sometimes. So, locally, I make them up. I find what I can and then use 1000, 1001, 1002 etc for the others. It may not be pretty but it does the job. But, I have to admit that when it got to the point that fully editing a profile would take 40 minutes but finding BY's would add an hour or two to that I felt the whole process had got ridiculous. Now, most of my work stays local because I can't be bothered to explain everything to the rule police. Now, in my opinion, if a dedicated contributor (which is what I was) can be deterred and disillusioned, then how are newbies ever expected to get on with contributing? Rant over.  |