Little off topic, but could be funny. Quote: It's just like the Spanish use of Tu and Usted. Tu is the familiar term used to address children or close friends whereas Usted is formal used to address superiors or those held in high esteem. Better no star with basque. We have 4 diferentes forms for the second person of singular. Not one, not two... we are more "macho" and we have 4. - "Berorika". Very extremally formal for used with autority and religiosmen. - "Zuka". Similar To that moment, it's normal and similar with many languaje. But we also have "Hitanoa", a form for use with very friendly persons... and for more easy  , it's diferent to use if you are talking with a boy or with a girl, mading one form be a double form. The congugation is diferent for each modality of this form. Some people can't learn basque being learnig more than 8 years. Basque is for crazy people.  |