My home theater setup:
Audio and Video Hardware
- Mitsubishi 65311 65” CRT RPTV with Lumagen VisionHDP processor
- full calibrations on both (CIR Engineering)
- Quad-Field Focus modification added (unavailable from factory)
- Duvetyne modification to interior of chassis
- Rotel RSX-1065 A/V Receiver
- Denon 1600 DVD player modified with:
- SDI BNC out to Lumagen
- Power interface upgrade from C7 to IEC standard
- Coaxial modification added
- New firmware upgrade
- Spindle Motor upgrade
- Laser assemply alignment
- PAL/Region-free hardware modification (also outputs through SDI to Lumagen)
- Toshiba HD-XA1 HD-DVD player (audio through analog outs for TrueHD playback)
- Pioneer DVR-57H Elite Tivo w/ 120GB HD and DVD recorder (being modified to 1TB storage capability)
- Velodyne SPL-1000 subwoofer
- B&W 602S2 x 4 (front and rear left and right speakers)(fronts being upgraded to B&W 804S)
- B&W LCR6S2 (center speaker)
- Richard Gray’s Power Company RGPC 400 Pro parallel line conditioner
- PS Audio PS1000 Power Plant voltage regenerator (soon adding Bybee Quantum Purifiers to primary AC)
- Philips DVD963SA DVD/SACD player
- Microsoft XBOX w/ two Logitech wireless controllers (video out through component)
Power Cables and Interconnects
- Audioquest YIQ-1 3m component video
- Audioquest YIQ-3 2m component video
- Audioquest VDM-1 2m digital interconnect
- Audioquest VDM-3 1m digital interconnect
- Audioquest VDM-3 1m digital interconnect
- Audioquest Digital RF/X digital interconnect
- Audioquest DVI-1 1m DVI cable
- Audioquest Mini-1 1m Mini-stereo to RCA interconnect (iPod)
- Audioquest Type 8 Double Bi-wired 10ft. speaker cable (front right)
- Audioquest Type 8 Double Bi-wired 10ft. speaker cable (center)
- Audioquest Type 8 Double Bi-wired 10ft. speaker cable (front left)
- Audioquest Type 2 15ft. speaker cable (rear right)
- Audioquest Type 2 15ft. speaker cable (rear left)
- Best Deal Cables CVC003 3m component video
- Best Deal Cables TOS001 1m toslink optical cable
- Best Deal Cables TOS001 1m toslink optical cable
- PS Audio xStream Prelude Power Cable 2m
- PS Audio xStream Power Punch Power Cable 2m
- PS Audio xStream Power Punch Power Cable 2m
- PS Audio xStream Power Punch Power Cable C7 2m
- PS Audio xStream Statement Power Cable 1m
- PS Audio xStream Statement Power Cable 1.5m
- PS Audio xStream Digital 3m BNC interconnect (SDI from Denon 1600 to Lumagen processor)
- Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling w/ Active Shielding technology (subwoofer)
- Vibrapod Set of four #2 isolation feet (A/V receiver)
- Finite Elemente Ceraball Spider set of four (Denon DVD-1600 DVD player)
- Finite Elemente Ceraball Spider set of four (Toshiba HD-DVD player)
- Auric Illuminator - $40 per 300 discs (average) – DVD treatment
- Ideal-lume 6500K backlight for accurate color reproduction
And the Matrix Trilogy is being released on May 22nd in HD-DVD! Woot!!
Pictures can be seen here: