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Aspect ratio?
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantMike
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Seems I cant remeber how to display a picture on this site, anyway just to confirm my video store traded no problems and the new copy does in fact have a side b and Power dvd says
Aspect Ratio 16x9
Display Mode: only Letterboxed
Source Resolution: 720x480

I assume this is all correct for an anamorphic 1.85:1 release?
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorBad Father
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Quoting Mike:
Seems I cant remeber how to display a picture on this site, anyway just to confirm my video store traded no problems and the new copy does in fact have a side b and Power dvd says
Aspect Ratio 16x9
Display Mode: only Letterboxed
Source Resolution: 720x480

I assume this is all correct for an anamorphic 1.85:1 release?

Glad to hear it worked out.

16x9 and letterboxed are dead giveaways for Anamorphic WS. You can always take a screencap of the film with PowerDVD and open it up with a photo editing program. I use Photoshop but Paintshop Pro will do. Just crop the image to eliminate the black bars and the resulting dimensions for 1.85:1 would be approx. 960x520.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantMike
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Thanks everyone!
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantAgrare
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Quoting pauls42:
Quoting Agrare:
Most video stores have a guarentee on their previously viewed discs (and if they don't you shouldn't be buying used discs from them) so just bring it back tell them its not working and they'll either exchange it or give you your money back (depending on their exact policy and if they have another copy)


But as I understand - the DVd is working fine. It's a crappy FS version - but there is no suggestion it won't play?

Then perhaps I was mistaken on my  interpretation because when I read the original post (below)

Quoting Mike:
is there a program or a way to clarify with out a doubt the aspect ratio of a film or if it is anamorphic or not for sure?

I ask becouse I recently purchases Charlie Bartlett and the profile and disc cover state its a flipper one side fullscreen the other anamorphic however I cant even get the side B to play my player and my computer dvd say there is no disc.

"can't even get side B to play" sounds like the disc has a side B and its not playing, not it is the second release of the disc without a side B. Maybe it's my assumption (I haven't bought any of these re-release flippers that aren't flippers) that the re-release were just single sided discs and not dual sided discs with one side blank. If the latter is the case, then its defective product because the one side is blank (its arguably even bait and switch if its a single sided disc because you don't get whats listed on the package).

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantMike
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You are correct Agrare, the coverart states it is double sided and WS is on side B and it had no information on it . And I fully agree it is a bait and switch if mdnitoil is correct that it is a rerelease with the same coverart and disc id's. Furthermore I cant beleive this hasnt been reported to the Better Business Bureau if its true.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributormdnitoil
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Yeah, they've done it.  If memory serves, Valley Girl got butchered this way as well as Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.  I know there were more.  Whenever folks would come across one, a grumpy thread would start on the standard DVD boards.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantpauls42
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Quoting Agrare:
Quoting pauls42:
Quoting Agrare:
Most video stores have a guarentee on their previously viewed discs (and if they don't you shouldn't be buying used discs from them) so just bring it back tell them its not working and they'll either exchange it or give you your money back (depending on their exact policy and if they have another copy)


But as I understand - the DVd is working fine. It's a crappy FS version - but there is no suggestion it won't play?

Then perhaps I was mistaken on my  interpretation because when I read the original post (below)

Quoting Mike:
is there a program or a way to clarify with out a doubt the aspect ratio of a film or if it is anamorphic or not for sure?

I ask becouse I recently purchases Charlie Bartlett and the profile and disc cover state its a flipper one side fullscreen the other anamorphic however I cant even get the side B to play my player and my computer dvd say there is no disc.

"can't even get side B to play" sounds like the disc has a side B and its not playing, not it is the second release of the disc without a side B. Maybe it's my assumption (I haven't bought any of these re-release flippers that aren't flippers) that the re-release were just single sided discs and not dual sided discs with one side blank. If the latter is the case, then its defective product because the one side is blank (its arguably even bait and switch if its a single sided disc because you don't get whats listed on the package).


my bad. I had assumed that it was sold as a single sided dvd (and it was just the profile which said it was double sided since they had re-used the UPC)
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantRifter
Reg. Jan 27, 2002
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Quoting Mike:
Thanks Skip I checked again with both PowerDVD and DVD Decrypter.Sure enough it is FS, I dont know what to do now as I said above its from my video store so chances are they are all FS.

You'll find that a lot of stores (Walmart in particular), will put their FS versions in the bargain bin and kiosks because people are not buying them on first run release from the regular DVD racks. Personally, I don't buy FS of any movie unless that is the way it was originally issued, so I have to be careful to read the cover info to make sure it is actually widescreen or at least has both versions.

I suspect rental stores have the same problem.  When they sell off the used movies, the WS stuff goes first, leaving the FS stuff that nobody wants to buy sitting there.  Of course, if you don't care, you get some incredible bargains that way.  I'd rather pay the extra and get it the way it was meant to be seen.

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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorwidescreenforever
Under A Double DoubleW
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Quoting mdnitoil:
Yeah, they've done it.  If memory serves, Valley Girl got butchered this way as well as Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.  I know there were more.  Whenever folks would come across one, a grumpy thread would start on the standard DVD boards.

Can you shed a bit of light on which version of  GWCTDinner?? Is it the 40th anniversary Ed from Feb 2008?  My version from 1999 has both edition (aspect ratio) on each side., and both the new 2008 editions in the data base say anamorphic 1:85 on each contribution..  ..     
In the 60's, People took Acid to make the world Weird. Now the World is weird and People take Prozac to make it Normal.

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributormdnitoil
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It was a reprint of the '99 Columbia Classics version.  They lopped off the B side which contained the widescreen version.  It was a pain because externally, nothing had changed.

Here's a relevant link to an HTF thread on the subject.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorwidescreenforever
Under A Double DoubleW
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Thanks for that link.., looking over the titles and the commentaries by others who are as frustrated as I am at Sony., I believe that it is Big Box stores like Blockbuster's et all,, that  still to this day, have customers who cannot afford widescreen 16x9 Tvs and are still 'chained' to their 32 inch 4.3 TV's .They  hate the black bars on top and bottom and cannot 'fathom'  that they 'are' getting all the image., and,, these people are the first ones to complain to the store managers . They somehow get a free rental out of their complaints, which in turn spurs the store on to buy more (and get more titles from the studios,,) Pan/Scan titles.
When I happen to be in the rental stores I usually do a quick check of these titles on the wall and find if a title is released in both formats- the ratio is as much as 70 (to 30) P/S in stock. And you know what that means, When it comes time to sell off these used movies, the Letterbox Dvds sell for almost 60% face street value , and the pan and scan titles? ... they end up in the bargain bin a month later for under $5.00 .. ,, 'cause NO One wants them !!     
In the 60's, People took Acid to make the world Weird. Now the World is weird and People take Prozac to make it Normal.

 Last edited: by widescreenforever
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