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Private Genres
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorNewEnglander
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Have to agree with the others as well.

I'd like to, however, see a Romantic Comedy genre added so I can have that as one instead of two fields.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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But you can do that through Tags, Erik. You can break up and define Genre in any form you wish to to there. Reason being that there is never going to be an answer that that will satisfy EVERY user, we could add Genre and then add more Genre, and more and more because users will come up with an infinite number. And we will eventually have an unmanageable list. In this regard Dan was correct with his request. Not to mention that Genre is totally subjective and what you think might be appropriate will NOT be shared by ALL, which is why the Rule was written as it was. Try having a look at the unbelievable Genre listings at a certain other site, they will list Genre such as Pennsylvania, ROFLMAO. Just pick any movie and click on more under their Genre and knock yourself out.<shivers>

Just use tags.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
 Last edited: by Winston Smith
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorNewEnglander
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Quoting skipnet50:
But you can do that through Tags, Erik. You can break up and define Genre in any form you wish to to there. Reason being that there is never going to be an answer that that will satisfy EVERY user, we could add Genre and then add more Genre, and more and more because users will come up with an infinite number. And we will eventually have an unmanageable list. In this regard Dan was correct with his request. Not to mention that Genre is totally subjective and what you think might be appropriate will NOT be shared by ALL, which is why the Rule was written as it was. Try having a look at the unbelievable Genre listings at a certain other site, they will list Genre such as Pennsylvania, ROFLMAO. Just pick any movie and click on more under their Genre and knock yourself out.<shivers>

Just use tags.


If you saw everything I do with tags, you'd run away screaming

But, that does not mean I cannot ask for it to be added
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorNewEnglander
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Found this a post by Ken Cole that says exactly what Skip has said on this subject!
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantDan W
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Current list of choices available under "Genre"

Martial Arts
Special Interest

Some of you have presented as your only argument; "Foreign Language" is not a genre.  You might take a look the list above and reconsider because several of them are anything but genre's. One more in such a list can only help. In fact, with such a list as this, the more the merrier. Either make it a list of Genre's or allow everything.

As to "Foreign Language" not universally applicable: The concept is an easy one. If it is not the predominate language of the people in your country or the official language of your country, it is a foreign language film.

For the US,
A foreign language film is defined as a motion picture produced outside the United States of America with a predominantly non-English dialogue track.

Simply apply the above sentence to your country. Just replace "United States of America" and " non-English" with your country's name and the language predominately used in your country.

If you are in France, anything that is not in French would be Foreign Language".
Great Britain, anything not English
Ireland, anything not English
Germany, anything not German
Mexico, anything not Spanish
US, anything not English
Canada, anything not English
Canada (Quebec) anything not French (official language is French)
Italy, anything not Italian

Etc., Etc., Etc..
 Last edited: by Dan W
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantDan W
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For the contributed profiles, one Genre field is sufficient as long as it is a "real" genre. Everything else is in the way and should be private. Whether you use one sub-genre or 100, they are subject to your pre-conceived ideas and preferences.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantAstrakan
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Quoting Dan W:
As to "Foreign Language" not universally applicable: The concept is an easy one. If it is not the predominate language of the people in your country or the official language of your country, it is a foreign language film...
Canada, anything not English
Canada (Quebec) anything not French (official language is French)

It's not that simple. French is an official language in ALL of Canada, not just Quebec. Same thing with English. But there's plenty of Canadians who speak only English and plenty who speak only French. And they're not all living in or out of Quebec either.

I'm sure the same is true for plenty of other countries. Below's a partial list of multi-lingual countries. Some official, some not, but there's still dozens of countries this could be a problem for.


Also, I still haven't seen a reason for why you can't just use tags.

Tags, tags, bo bags, banana fana fo fags, mi my mo mags, TAGS!
Dolly's not alone. You can also clone profiles.
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 Last edited: by Astrakan
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantpauls42
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Quoting Dan W:

As to "Foreign Language" not universally applicable: The concept is an easy one. If it is not the predominate language of the people in your country or the official language of your country, it is a foreign language film.

For the US,
A foreign language film is defined as a motion picture produced outside the United States of America with a predominantly non-English dialogue track.

Simply apply the above sentence to your country. Just replace "United States of America" and " non-English" with your country's name and the language predominately used in your country.

If you are in France, anything that is not in French would be Foreign Language".
Great Britain, anything not English

perhaps you didn't understand the point I made..

I'll try to make it easy for you..

A french DVD - I buy it from a french website. It is is French - does that make it Foreign Language? It certainly isn't foreigtn language when that dvd is bought by a french person.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantDan W
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Quoting pauls42:
Quoting Dan W:

As to "Foreign Language" not universally applicable: The concept is an easy one. If it is not the predominate language of the people in your country or the official language of your country, it is a foreign language film.

For the US,
A foreign language film is defined as a motion picture produced outside the United States of America with a predominantly non-English dialogue track.

Simply apply the above sentence to your country. Just replace "United States of America" and " non-English" with your country's name and the language predominately used in your country.

If you are in France, anything that is not in French would be Foreign Language".
Great Britain, anything not English

perhaps you didn't understand the point I made..

I'll try to make it easy for you..

A french DVD - I buy it from a french website. It is is French - does that make it Foreign Language? It certainly isn't foreigtn language when that dvd is bought by a french person.
Perhaps English isn't your primary language. Reread my post. Everything you need is there.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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Just for giggles and to illustrate the absolute absurdity of everybody wantiung particular Genre added to the list. Here is a COMPLETE supposed Genre listing from an unnamed source for ONE single movie.

    * Father Son Estrangement
    * Character's Point Of View Camera Shot
    * Pennsylvania
    * Hudson River
    * Friend
    * 2000s
    * Arrest
    * Declaration Of Independence
    * Treasure Map
    * Treasure
    * Heist
    * Ice Pick
    * Lantern
    * Snowmobile
    * Clue
    * Fall From Height
    * Father Son Relationship
    * Flashback Sequence
    * Forgery
    * Washington D.C.
    * Lincoln Memorial
    * Riddle
    * Illuminati
    * Invisible Ink
    * 11th Century
    * 1770s
    * 1830s
    * 1970s
    * Abyss
    * Aircraft Carrier
    * American Revolution
    * Arctic
    * Attic
    * Bell Tower
    * Betrayal
    * Boston Massachusetts
    * Buried Alive
    * Car Chase
    * Changing Room
    * Chase
    * Church
    * Code
    * Crusades
    * Crypt
    * Curator
    * Eyeglasses
    * FBI
    * Flare
    * Friendship
    * Gift Shop
    * Grandfather
    * Gunpowder
    * Helicopter
    * Hostage
    * Jerusalem
    * Knight
    * Letter
    * Liberty Bell
    * Masonic
    * Museum
    * New York City
    * Philadelphia Pennsylvania
    * Pipe
    * Prologue
    * Reception
    * River
    * Romance
    * Secret Passage
    * Secret Society
    * Shipwreck
    * Shootout
    * Treasure Hunter
    * Treasure Hunt
    * Tunnel
    * Underwater
    * Video Surveillance
    * Freemason
    * Cemetery
    * Corpse
    * Expedition
    * New Jersey
    * Ship
    * Skeleton
    * Swimming Underwater
    * Blockbuster
    * Bulletproof Glass
    * Hollow Brick
    * Library Of Congress
    * National Archives
    * Uss Intrepid
    * Archive
    * Benjamin Franklin
    * Brick
    * Chandelier
    * Graveyard
    * Kidnapping
    * Library
    * Metal Detector
    * Taser
    * Tomb
    * Kids And Family
ROFLMAO, absurd beyond belief but this is the road we are on.

I simply believe that Genre for the Online should be a SINGLE field with a handful of BASIC genre, let's say Drama, Comedy, Horror, and MAYBE Suspense. Anything else should be strictly a local choice. Thgis can be done two ways, by Genre fields which are user definable but not Contributable...the quuestion here becomes how many fields, Three Four, Five, Ten, Thirty.<shrugs> It seems to me the BEST answer for additional Genre data is through the Tag system...and I understand whay you are saying Erik, I think any of us that have been using Profiler for any period of time probably have a pretty extensive list and uses for Tags, I know I do and part of that for me is my own personal subset of Genre data...it works and works well, I can search on them and sort them...the ONLY drawback is that I can search on MY Genre AND Profiler Genre, which would be useful from time to time....but that is Ken's area.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorNewEnglander
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Just skimming through..

National Treasure?
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorSrehtims
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I have about 10,000 profiles and tags do me just fine........
And I do use the genre field in check the on line data base
to see if there something that looks interesting.

As of now I have about 35 tags and they have about 75 tag children.
I had more before the audio language field was expanded.
I have a GENRE tag, it has as children all the genre types I am interested in.
I have a TV tag, it has as children all the types of TV shows, series, mini-series, plays, etc.
I have a BOX Set tag, it has children for child, parent and grandparent,
and so so forth....

By using the "AND" excluding the BOX SET parent tag and TV tag,
I can get a list of all the movies in alphabetical order.

and so forth, love my tags,
don't nay moe stnkin' genres..................
We don't need stinkin' IMDB's errors, we make our own.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantgoodguy
Sita Sings the Blues
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Quoting skipnet50:
Just for giggles and to illustrate the absolute absurdity of everybody wantiung particular Genre added to the list. Here is a COMPLETE supposed Genre listing from an unnamed source for ONE single movie.

    * Father Son Estrangement

What you have listed there is the list of plot keywords that your "unnamed source" maintains. It is something entirely different than the genre(s) of a movie, which are also maintained by this "unnamed source".
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorTheMadMartian
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Quoting goodguy:
Quoting skipnet50:
Just for giggles and to illustrate the absolute absurdity of everybody wantiung particular Genre added to the list. Here is a COMPLETE supposed Genre listing from an unnamed source for ONE single movie.

    * Father Son Estrangement

What you have listed there is the list of plot keywords that your "unnamed source" maintains. It is something entirely different than the genre(s) of a movie, which are also maintained by this "unnamed source".

You are correct, those are keywords.  The problem is they are linked from the genre section.  Why they did that I don't know, but it is misleading.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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Quoting Unicus69:
Quoting goodguy:
Quoting skipnet50:
Just for giggles and to illustrate the absolute absurdity of everybody wantiung particular Genre added to the list. Here is a COMPLETE supposed Genre listing from an unnamed source for ONE single movie.

    * Father Son Estrangement

What you have listed there is the list of plot keywords that your "unnamed source" maintains. It is something entirely different than the genre(s) of a movie, which are also maintained by this "unnamed source".

You are correct, those are keywords.  The problem is they are linked from the genre section.  Why they did that I don't know, but it is misleading.

You arte BOTYH wrong, those are NOT keywords they are what you get fopr genre when you click MORE at this unnamed site. I consider them leywords, but they consider them Genre, they use a, in theory a different heading for Keywords...I am not surpised Mathias completely missed the point, however.

Here's another one...shorter but suffering the same problem.
    * Alien
    * Astronaut
    * Mars
    * Monkey
    * Stranded
    * Based On Novel
Remember I am not the designer of these things, nor am I one who tries to defend them, quite the contrary, crap is crap. Mathias you should really do some exploration and attempts at understanding before jumping in and making a total of yourself.   Though I do understand your motive, which is why I am making fun of you.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantgoodguy
Sita Sings the Blues
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Quoting Unicus69:
You are correct, those are keywords.  The problem is they are linked from the genre section.  Why they did that I don't know, but it is misleading.

I don't find it misleading. In the genre section of each movie, you can click on an assigned genre to browse or search by that genre, or you can click on "more", which leads to the keyword list for that movie, each keyword again clickable for browsing and additional searching.
 Last edited: by goodguy
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