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Foreign Language Forums
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributor?
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do you mean Français or french speaking users?
you could try to find out make a poll?
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsurfeur51
Since July 3, 2003
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France Posts: 4,479
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Quoting Giga Wizard:
do you mean Français or french speaking users?
you could try to find out make a poll?

Kdh said ONE french. I do not need a poll. I only wanted to show that his statements about the fact that I was the only one who gave that opinion means nothing as I'm the only one from France to post regularly...
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributor?
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maybe? there are users that don't show where there from. And i had a lot of french people reacting to my LOTR changes. So you're defenitely not alone here as Frenchman. And I had not all the LOTR in my local. Defenitely not one where you or skipnet50 voted on. I know of at least 3 users that posted in the forum and showing there French flag. So with you that makes 4.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorwhispering
On ne passe pas!
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Quoting kdh1949:
You aren't the only French poster

TBH, he isnt far from the truth (with the only French poster thing). French locality is DB wise 3 times bigger then Canada, but do you see 3 times more French users? No, in my experience, none of the "big" European countries (or countries in general for that matter) post in english forums. In some cases (such as Invelos forums) Germany is an exception.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorhydr0x
Registered: April 4, 2007
Germany Posts: 890
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not only the German are, usually international forums also have a large number of Dutch users and next are usually the Scandinavians

The French are a case of their own anyways, a majority of them seems to dislike using any other language than their own.
- Jan
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsurfeur51
Since July 3, 2003
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France Posts: 4,479
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Quoting Giga Wizard:
maybe? there are users that don't show where there from.

Most of french users come on the french forum, so I think I know most of them.

So you're defenitely not alone here as Frenchman.

I only said I was alone to post regularly. If it's not true, just give another name. Should be easy for someone posting regularly...

And I had not all the LOTR in my local. Defenitely not one where you or skipnet50 voted on.

You'll have problem to find a vote from me. I voted only 4 times on contributions, one year ago...
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorCyrille
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Yes we are not a lot to post on the forum but there are some contributers for R2 France profiles but I don't know why they don't post here: can't understand English, don't want to discuss on the forum, ... I don't know if there are foreign language forums it will change that... Maybe French don't like so much read/post on forums?
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributor?
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This not alone a French Speaking problem:
Here a list of users where you find Alaises that you never encountered before.
adeodat, aduki, aGsu, Airwolf.c, alinoe, alu, andyc333, AndyWoods, anthonypilgrim, antiover, antolod, Armand, armil, Ash2Dust, Assassin, Behemot, bentyman, Berak, Bfd245, blablas, Blade, Blizzard-1, bovva66, Buffalo+Springfield, Caroline, cartman76, charlilucas, CharlieM, chrisberlin, Ceyda, ClausViberg, Comicer, Corne, CountHouse, Cyrille, Dag+Ove, Darknite, dat1466, DavidTJorge, dbisping, Dedcap, dee1959jay,  defaude, Demonwarrior, DerMultiplexer, dfmorgan, DigitalGhost, Dr.+Killpatient, Dr.Channard, DVDDerek, Eagle, eber84, Echoes, EdoNork, ElimGarak, Flavio61 ,Fl0 ,Flatfoot , Flytag, frank33_98, fragava, Freak, FredLooks, Fulci1978, FunkyLA, gazzared_typer, geordi, GeorgZ01, gerritsen, Giga Wizard, Golden+Nimon, graigje, Graveworm, Gumbi88, Haakon, hallo-marvin, helmi, hippy2000, hobnobgoblin, Hotmailer, JackKnight, James+J+Barrett, janvg, jaydl85, JESUSJST, jhagblad, Jimba, Johan73, JOHNNYV, JoJuJim, Joost+Resink, jroadley, Jykke, karstenp, Katatonia, Kayper, KingHans, Kirk1234, kitarolivier, klael, Krikarian, Laff1, ldsushi, Leiterfluid, Legolas, legendofphil, Lewpy, liorb22, LJG, lostsoul, Low+Ryder, lurovelli, majdad, Mark_Germ, MarkyMarker, marnix64, marten.ris, MartinB, matsolss, mcjeod, mcquean, Michael+A, MiDiAN, MiguelT, Mikke, Mikkis, Mole, MOVIECAT, movieman1964, musicdeal, neverland, NewEnglander, NEWT0N, Nickofdoom, NightHawke, nimrod85, ninehours, rorschach999, northbloke, npingree01, Nuffegutt, Olaf73, oleops, Orgelet, panzera, paulb_99, pauljc26, paulocsguimaraes, pgaudin, p_livsey, pmasl, pompel9, Poppe, Pro_Trek, pXinas, QUORTHON, Rammsteinfan, Reihnold, reybr, richi4u, RICHJ, rincewind, rinjswand, RoadrunnerDvD, Rok17, rorschach999, rt78, rusty640, Rutan, rvlier, Rygaard, SalaEnterprise, schismatrix, schizzzo, Schranzoid, Scoody, Sebastien, Slayer, Snake+Plissken, sopela123, Spartacus, splogue, srout, stephane, sugarjoe, Svante, Takaikkuna, TANESY, tarfrimmer, Telecine, tgot, tgoti, thelostdragon, tkettula, TommyG, TomGaines, Tomricci, trekers, tuscocan, Twigit, Unicus69, UNIK99, victor71, Vilar, ViperX, Voltaire53, Vorr, Waxlion, wbvreeuwijk, weio, williamperryiii, wintermute115, wolf359, wsdevries, Xedos, Zany, ...
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorwhispering
On ne passe pas!
Registered: March 13, 2007
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Quoting hydr0x:
not only the German are, usually international forums also have a large number of Dutch users and next are usually the Scandinavians

The French are a case of their own anyways, a majority of them seems to dislike using any other language than their own.

Thats why i said big European countries Scandinavians, Dutch and Finnish for that matter all have their own, rather small language, so are more likely to head over to "english" forums. But i've always wondered if there are similar "international" Spanish, French and German forums?
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantkdh1949
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Quoting surfeur51:
Quoting Giga Wizard:
maybe? there are users that don't show where there from.

Most of french users come on the french forum, so I think I know most of them.

So you're defenitely not alone here as Frenchman.

I only said I was alone to post regularly. If it's not true, just give another name. Should be easy for someone posting regularly...

And I had not all the LOTR in my local. Defenitely not one where you or skipnet50 voted on.

You'll have problem to find a vote from me. I voted only 4 times on contributions, one year ago...

Okay, Surfeur, I'll accept that you are the only poster from France.  It's really sad, then, if you are the only one.  This leave us with only your word for how French users deal with Profiler, especially with making contributions.  And sad, because you obviously have no intention of following rules and continue to claim that the rules didcriminate against French users because they lack common sense.  I think it is quite odd that we can have many contributors who aren't fluent in English yet manage to have THEIR contributions accepted.  What could be the possible reason why everybody else can do it -- but not French?  I hate to deal with a stereotype, but this situation sounds like it follows the sterotype mentioned by hydr0x about French being unwilling to deal with anything that isn't in the French language.  I don't mean to be insulting, but it's hard to deal with someone who seems unwilling to help his own countrymen work within the Rules because he doesn't like them.
Another Ken (not Ken Cole)
Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges.
DVD Profiler user since June 15, 2001
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsurfeur51
Since July 3, 2003
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France Posts: 4,479
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Quoting kdh1949:
.... but it's hard to deal with someone who seems unwilling to help his own countrymen work within the Rules because he doesn't like them.

It's exactly the contrary. I tried to help them by working on the translation file of the soft, and even on the translation of the rules. I advertised the program on a site where I'm well known through dvd reviews (those reviews have more than 450.000 visits at this date), but I cannot make them speak english, and, in fact, your stereotype is probably true, the proportion of french people that do not speak english is probably higher than in other countries.

I proposed many times solutions to those problems, and people here just insulted or attacked me for trying  that. I have no personal interest about rules, as I manage my personal database to my entire satisfaction, and people who say I want things made my way are just lying.

I said there is a problem because there is a problem. Point.

I wanted to do something because I like very much this program...

I'm fed up to be always attacked...
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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You bring it on yourself, Surfeur. I have tried repeatedly to explain things to you. Even in a post yesterday. I have to refer to what Ken said, it is indeed odd, that nobody else has the problems which you claim to be common in France. I don't wish to insult you, never have, but sometimes I feel that perhaps alittle tongue in cheek might make you look at yourself. I understand what you want and why, but that is not the way we do it and i have explained in detail why, yet you persist. <shrugs> And as I have said your idea of common sense is certainly the opposite of common sense as I learned it, that doesn't mean I am right and you are wrong...it DOES mean recognize that there isno universal definition of common sense, it doesn't exist and no two people will see it exactly the same.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantkdh1949
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Quoting surfeur51:
Quoting kdh1949:
.... but it's hard to deal with someone who seems unwilling to help his own countrymen work within the Rules because he doesn't like them.

It's exactly the contrary. I tried to help them by working on the translation file of the soft, and even on the translation of the rules. I advertised the program on a site where I'm well known through dvd reviews (those reviews have more than 450.000 visits at this date), but I cannot make them speak english, and, in fact, your stereotype is probably true, the proportion of french people that do not speak english is probably higher than in other countries.

I proposed many times solutions to those problems, and people here just insulted or attacked me for trying  that. I have no personal interest about rules, as I manage my personal database to my entire satisfaction, and people who say I want things made my way are just lying.

I said there is a problem because there is a problem. Point.

I wanted to do something because I like very much this program...

I'm fed up to be always attacked...

Your contrary attitude has a lot to do with your being attacked.  I'm not excusing such behaviour, but I can realize where it might come from.

BTW: I think you run the risk of breaking your arm while you are patting yourself on the back.
Another Ken (not Ken Cole)
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DVD Profiler user since June 15, 2001
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsurfeur51
Since July 3, 2003
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France Posts: 4,479
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Quoting kdh1949:
... I think you run the risk of breaking your arm while you are patting yourself on the back.

One more attack... thanks... but you should look at a new post in general discussion to take some more ideas...
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantkdh1949
Have Gun Will Travel
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Quoting surfeur51:
Quoting kdh1949:
... I think you run the risk of breaking your arm while you are patting yourself on the back.

One more attack... thanks... but you should look at a new post in general discussion to take some more ideas...

No, that was not an attack.  Just an observation.  As they say, if the shoe fits...

I am sorry you cannot take criticism.  You seem to be quite able to dish it out, however.
Another Ken (not Ken Cole)
Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges.
DVD Profiler user since June 15, 2001
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Moving right along....

I personally don't see anything wrong with a foreign language section of the site though I don't think we need a separate section for each language.

Another thing to toss out into the ether about being a native English speaker or not - I see many posters here where English is their second (or so) language write in English a LOT better than those in which English is their native language (in general, not here on invelos) - namely those in their teenage years.  Hell, this paragraph alone makes my head spin a little.
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