Quoting GSyren:
Not sure why this is such a big deal.
Well, as I said in my first post: "Not that this is a major problem"
For me it just happens to be the first (and so far, the only

) problem I ran into when using DVD Profiler (and I like it a lot!), and from software usability point of view, it would just make a lot of sense to be able to assign a default currency for retailers that don't use your default currency.
What would be the harm in having this feature in DVD Profiler for somebody who doesn't need it? None, as the default currency for a retailer would obviously come from your system default currency, and if you only buy from retailers using one currency, nothing would change in your daily usage.
As I've used DVD Profiler only for a month or so, feel free to educate me; is the feature request forum a venue where you are supposed to criticize feature requests which would benefit a number of users but not yourself? Even when the said feature would have no negative impact on you at all?
This is not a sarcastic comment, I'm genuinely interested to understand how Invelos works with respect to feature requests. Are the forums seen as an informal voting system from where Invelos will collect plus/minus votes that will have an impact on DVD Profiler development?
I can easily understand "plus votes", not so sure about the "minus votes" for requests of non-disruptive features, unless we ("the user community") are already aware that every new feature includes some effort to implement, and "voting down" features you don't need might improve the chance of getting some features implemented that you deem important.
Or are we just trying to keep feature-bloat to a minimum (which is always a worthwhile goal)?
Definitely veering a bit off-topic here, sorry...