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TEST: What's your political preference? |
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Registered: March 20, 2007 | Posts: 262 |
| Posted: | | | | Stuart,
You make some very valid points. I agree that Islam is not fundamentally bad and that many Muslims in the west appear to practice a much more moderate version of that faith. It is also that Christianity of several hundred years and further back had a lousy record as well.
I also think you make a good point to distinguish the religion and the culture. My primary concern in all of this is how are we (the modern secular states of the west) going to address the problem developing in our midst -- radical Muslims committing terror, undermining our government, using our freedom and inclination to non-discrimination against us (by crying victim over cartoons and movies) when their response is violence. The moderate Islamic community in the west has their work cut out for them in dealing with the fallout among their fellow citizens over the violence, intolerance, and tyranny of their radical elements.
When "honor killings" begin happening in the west we are transplanting the worst aspects of their society to our shores. The case of the 2 murdered Dallas teenagers is just the latest example.
Brian |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 21,610 |
| Posted: | | | | Brian:
I desperately want to agree with you. But one of the hottest topics of discussion in this area regarding Islam is, Where are the voices from the islamic Community condemning the actions of Al Qaeda, Bin Laden. Where has the Islamic Peace March been. I haven't seen them, I fear they condemn themselves by their silence. What I get to hear here in DC is the pronouncements and the denouncements of CAIR, a Washington Lobbying Group that I believe due to some legal activity we will soon discover the exact extent of the ties to the world of terrorism.
Skip | | | ASSUME NOTHING!!!!!! CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it. Outta here
Billy Video |
| Registered: March 20, 2007 | Posts: 262 |
| Posted: | | | | Jean-Paul,
Not having seen Wilders movie I can only guess at how offensive to Muslims it may be. I would guess they probably have some legitimate gripes about what's in it. However if it indeed does lead to violence and attacks on embassies etc. then the problem is with the radicals and their inability to respect the values of their adopted country. There are obviously non-violent ways to go after a movie you don't like and blowing things up or burning them down aren't on that list. While most of us probably don't agree with a lot of Wilders says -- it is important that his right to say be preserved without reservation. Allowing your societies basic freedoms to be destroyed by radicalized muslims committing violence is a surrender of sorts to them and must not happen.
Brian |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 3,480 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting skipnet50: Quote: I desperately want to agree with you. But one of the hottest topics of discussion in this area regarding Islam is, Where are the voices from the islamic Community condemning the actions of Al Qaeda, Bin Laden. Where has the Islamic Peace March been. I haven't seen them, I fear they condemn themselves by their silence. What I get to hear here in DC is the pronouncements and the denouncements of CAIR, a Washington Lobbying Group that I believe due to some legal activity we will soon discover the exact extent of the ties to the world of terrorism. I found a few things: Muslim Peace FellowshipMuslim American SocietyProgressive Muslim UnionMuslim Peach MarchMuslim March for Peace | | | ...James
"People fake a lot of human interactions, but I feel like I fake them all, and I fake them very well. That’s my burden, I guess." ~ Dexter Morgan |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 460 |
| Posted: | | | | Brain, I totally agree, and if there is one thing we shouldn't surrender is our freedom of speach. I think that even Wilders' should think twice in how to put it. I haven't seen anything about his movie yet, but it should be available thru his parties website.It just seems Wilders is trying to provoke instead of looking for solutions. Offcourse the borders can be 'closed' for Muslim immigrants, but the problem at this moment is in our country. I remember the Danish cartoons from a couple of years ago (1.5 to 2 years) which were reasons to riots in certain countries. I too have problems with cartoons sometimes, when they are about lets say our Royal family, or about Christianity, but there is a difference. I won't get myself to get angry or personally attacked by it and if I do I can always write a letter to a paper, but why would I go out and deface a mosque for example. | | | Jean-Paul |
| Registered: March 19, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 6,018 |
| Posted: | | | | @ Brian: The Wilders film has not been released yet, it is expected to be in a week's time or so. Nevertheless Dutch authorities are already bracing themselves for the expected fall-out. |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 2,692 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting bbursiek: Quote: Stuart,
When "honor killings" begin happening in the west we are transplanting the worst aspects of their society to our shores. The case of the 2 murdered Dallas teenagers is just the latest example.
Brian these 'honor' killings are already happening in the UK.  | | | Paul |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Reputation:  | Posts: 485 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting JP_S: Quote:
...But thay have outspoken opinions about Geert Wilders. Especially when Wilders wanted to forbid the Koran in The Netherlands? In our history we, the Dutch, we not allowed any other religion except the Catholic religion. So these people had to express other religions in secrecy. This eventually led to the Eighty Years' War. (Please correct me if I am wrong, because it has been some time ago I was taught this ) Do we really want to go that way? I know Wilders' allowed to express his opinion, but when his movie leads to defacing Dutch embassies or destruction, just send the bill to Wilders. I agree to the statement that the extremist Imam's might be better of in their country of origin and shouldn't be allowed to enter the country ever. The 80 years' war (1568-1648) was initially/primarily over taxes. And taxes vs. representation, as the low countries had become part of the Habsburg empire = the kingdom of Spain. The king had centralised government to Madrid and we weren't liking it. Religion was initially secundary, but protestantism had just emerged as a people's revolt against the catholic church. Clergy and aristocracy were very much dividing the wealth among themselves. When the Spanish king tried to enforce his rule and get the tax revenues, he obliged the clergy in fighting protestantism as well, because the clergy was the official mind control on the people. Renaissance or not, Europe was feudal then. Once the war was won, it did give protestantism the excuse to ban catholic clergy, which became a 3 century absence lasting until mid 19th century. So much for the requested correction. Wilders is just very much playing into the fears of people, being afraid of immigrants so voluminously visible (mosques, head scarves, other ways of dressing...) in our big cities. His true politics are otherwise just very much right wing, certainly economically. But you don't hear about that. It is not a vote winner. His idea of banning the Koran is IMO a thing to make it all tangible. And get media attention -- he is a politician who needs votes. Al Qaida just helped him a lot fueling fears, as did our political middle and left by being pc and ignoring the issues people felt about massive immigration. So, how is it going about the hopefuls for being the president of the USA  ? | | | Eric
If it is important, say it. Otherwise, let silence speak. |
| Registered: March 20, 2007 | Posts: 262 |
| Posted: | | | | Eric,
I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that political center (and the moderate right and left) need to recognize that their political correctness has to stop at tolerating infringement of core values -- freedom of speech, religion, freedom for women etc. -- Muslim immigrants are entitled to those things just as all other citizens but they must respect the laws when they differ from their cultural / religious beliefs.
The practice of honor killings is one of the most glaring examples -- the case in the Dallas area I mentioned was 2 teenaged sisters (17 & 18 I think) from Egypt that primarily grew up in America and had adopted western style values -- they were good students and popular with their classmates -- their FATHER killed them apparently over the fact that one of both of them had a boyfriend.
This type of thing and then the rioting and destruction over the cartoons or movies is a growing problem -- caving into the readicals by shifting blame/responsibility to the speaker (Wilders or anyone else) is part of the problem. No one worries they're going to die publishing anti-Christian cartoons and allowing Muslim thugs to intimidate and stiffle ciriticism of their beliefs is wrong. They are not going to change as a group if those that want to point out the obvious conflicts of their culture with our laws(honor killings, treating rape victims as the bad guy, treating women as 2nd class citizens to name a few) are encouraged to shut up for fear of riling up the Muslims.
As far as our campaign for President goes - I'm already tired of it and we have 10 more months of this stuff.
Brian |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 21,610 |
| Posted: | | | | ..[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." --James Madison
"Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread." -- Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, 1821
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." -- Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
"To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." -- George Washington, First Annual Message, January 8, 1790
" I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it." -- Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1776
"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society." -- Thomas Jefferson Now isn't that interesting......
Skip | | | ASSUME NOTHING!!!!!! CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it. Outta here
Billy Video |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 460 |
| Posted: | | | | Thanks for the correction, I must confess this was a long time ago and I actually thought it had all to do, at first, with catholic vs. protestants.
But still my point stands that when you prohibit a religion it has to be done in secrecy and then it cannot be controlled. Mosques which preach fundementalism against the west or certain groups of people shouldn't be closed but put under surveillance and deport the imam. I guess this is very right wing, but these people can't handle their freedom and abuse it. | | | Jean-Paul |
| Registered: March 15, 2007 | Posts: 1,982 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting JP_S: Quote: Mosques which preach fundementalism against the west or certain groups of people shouldn't be closed but put under surveillance and deport the imam. I guess this is very right wing, but these people can't handle their freedom and abuse it. That's exactly what our governement did recently and we have a repution to be very tolerant. The Iman was before the order of expulsion at a lot of manifestation against the west, ask for the introduction of the "Sharia" in our civil law and he takes all the way he could to cause trouble. In fact he is almost responsible for a little social crisis against everything different of our tradition here last year, he made us (the French Canadian) looks like a bunch of racist what we aren't (just ask to every immigrant who come here). But, he had forgot to tell to the immigration that he had a criminal record in France. So, you're not welcome anymore you don't lie when you ask for the refugee status in Canada. It was funny to see him crying on the news for a week, but if you want to stay and you are affraid to be torture in your country of origin you don't cause any trouble (it seems logic to me) |
| Registered: March 21, 2007 | Posts: 171 |
| Posted: | | | | To AESP_pres
This Imam said many things, and suggested many things, that just aren't acceptable to the vast majority of Canadians, but he didn't get into trouble because of this. He got into trouble because he had lied about being a criminal in France. For this reason, and only this reason, was he deported.
I do understand that many people were against him, and that his comments probably made someone search deeply into his past to find this omission on his part which ultimately led to his deportation. But you shouldn't conclude that Canadians wished for his deportation solely because of this man's comments and ideas. The vast majority of Canadians are, as you say, tolerant. We are also just and fair. If the Canadian government tried to deport him just because of his leanings, there would have been an outcry from both the populace and media. | | | Graham | | | Last edited: by FUBAR |
| Registered: March 14, 2007 | Posts: 742 |
| Posted: | | | | Quoting FUBAR: Quote: We are also just and fair. If the Canadian government tried to deport him just because of his leanings, there would have been an outcry from both the populace and media. Which, IMO, is one of the major problems western culture and civilization is facing regarding the integration of foreign traditions, cultures, religion and people of different cultural background and faith into our midst: Where do you draw the line regarding acceptable behavior and intolerable misconduct? IMO, whoever wants to go to another country, for whatever reason, has better make damn sure they're willing to adapt to the spoken language, the traditions and culture present in said country. If you don't like it, go someplace else, the world's big enough to find something more acceptable I'm sure. Demanding such behavior from immigrants, however, usually results in those voicing that demand to be put into the right wing fraction. Since poeple tend to regard themselves as tolerant and open minded, they don't like that assumption being applied, leading to - sometimes ridiculous and desperate - attemtpts to justify a certain POV in ways it can't be done, because saying it as it really is and as you believe is going to make you look bad in the eyes of a certan group of others. Since this is a commonly known phenomenom, this situation is exploited by those elements from diffenent cultural background that don't want to adapt and integrate at all, for whatever reasons, and have a different - and sometimes dangerous - agenda of their own. Putting tolerance and integration and the well being of immigrants (legal and illegal alike) - as important values as these are for a continuously prospering life of mankind in general - above a countries own and unique traditions, beliefs, values and faith is a grave mistake, as it weakens the possibility of a country to take action against intolerable elements of society that don't follow the laws and regulations and are placing themselves outside the foundation the country in question was built upon. | | | Lutz |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 1,380 |
| Posted: | | | | To be honest i think people are making the whole religion thing way more complicated then it really is.
At least in Finland, religious freedom means that you can practis any religion, as long as it doesnt conflict with the law. The law goes beyond religion. If you break the law, you face the consequences, plain and simple. In my eyes honor killings are just another mental disease. If you go to another country, you follow that countries law. |
| Registered: March 13, 2007 | Posts: 21,610 |
| Posted: | | | | Well said, unfortunately i the era of PC, people are refusing to integrate. Instead, they are trying to force their culture and or religion, even sometimes politics on their adopted home. If that home does not follow their wishes then they charge racism, discrimination, etc. My personal opinion is that if you want to gom to another country to create North Mexico, Western Iran or whatever, then either don't go to that country, STAY where you are or GO BACK where you came from. You LEFT your culture and your society for whatever reason, don't try and recreate it somewhere else.
Note to my French friends, please WAKE UP before it is too late,and too some extent my other Euro friends as well, you have been INVADED by forces hostile to your rich and storied culture. Shereia Law INDEED.
Skip | | | ASSUME NOTHING!!!!!! CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it. Outta here
Billy Video |
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