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Headshot Master Database (v3)
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Posted: February 16, 2008 2:13 AM
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Headshot Database v3

Download Headshots_v3.zip Download removed in favor of the v4 version

Please Note: If you plan on adding nude headshots or adding unconfirmed Birth Years to cast/crew, please do not contribute any headshot updates.  It takes a couple hours of rather boring and tedious effort to verify every BY and then removing the invalid ones before a database update is released.

During the cleanup process, most duplicate entries have been removed.  Different cast with the same name and valid BY's but the same picture on both have been corrected.  Adult photos have been replaced with a shield image to make sure they don't get slipped back in as nudes if someone submits a headshot database without cleaning up or importing v3 after importing an older one.
 Last edited: July 2, 2008 5:43 PM by Dr. Killpatient
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Posted: February 16, 2008 2:14 AM
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Contribution Notes

What is a headshot?
A head shot is a front-on (facing straight at the camera) photograph, with the face being the center of the picture and containing minimal or no surroundings. The facial expression is usually neutral.  The entire head with hair should be visible.

Track your changes
If you plan on contributing headshots, it would be a good idea to keep a text file noting certain changes.  For example, you find a actress who stared in several movies from 1950 where she played a teenager but nothing since and their headshot is a recent (ie: much older) photo.  If you contribute a headshot of her when she was active in film, be sure to note it in your contribution.  If I come across an updated shot and the contributed one is younger than the current and there are no notes, I will keep the current.

A headshot should be taken when the person was last active.  If an actor hasn't worked in film for 40 years, their headshot should be from when they were active - 40 years ago, not a recent one.  If you find someone where the database has a recent headshot and they're not active in film, please replace it with one from the time they were active and be sure to note it when you contribute it.

Size doesn't always matter
If the existing headshot is large but not a traditional headshot (ie: looks like they're trying to fit their entire body into the frame), a much smaller and traditional headshot will be accepted.

Color vs B&W
A B&W headshot that is of superior quality will be favored.

When comparing two B&W headshots, I will favor one with a better balance of tones over one with a strong contrast between lights & darks.

Screen Caps
A screen cap will never be accepted over a traditional headshot unless it is superior in quality.

Neutral Face
Two headshots, both smiling, one showing teeth and the other doesn't.  The one not showing teeth will be accepted.  If both show teeth but one has the jaw open, the one with the jaw closed will be accepted.

If two headshots are of comparable quality but the background in one makes it harder to see the hair or form, the other will be accepted.

A crappy headshot will be accepted over any headshot with text or writing on it.  Important note: Text that is part of the background such as from a star walk is acceptable.
 Last edited: July 1, 2008 8:52 AM by Dr. Killpatient
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Posted: February 16, 2008 2:15 AM
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(original Headshot DB thread)

Headshot DB Submissions
(originally by Juoquim)


Here's the quick and Dirty Checklist:


1.  Find New\Better headshots and put them in your local database.
2.  Perform a Cast & Crew only backup of your local database.
3.  Create a HMDB database option in DVDP 3 (skip this step if you already have one.)
4.  Open your HMDB database
5.  Restore your Cast & Crew only backup
6.  Perform a database repair
7.  Perform a Cast & Crew only backup of your HMDB database.
8.  Choose a webspace upload location
9.  Email the URL(s) for your backup file(s) to dvdprofilerheadshots@hotmail.com

Detailed Instructions:

1.  Find New\Better headshots and put them in your local database.

2.  Perform a Cast & Crew only backup of your local database.
    A.  File | Backup Database
    B.  Choose a name and location for the backup.  Name it something like backup_CC.dpb.
    C.  Uncheck all options except "Include cast/crew databases, with photos"
    D.  Click OK.

3.  Create a HMDB database option in DVDP 3 (skip this step if you already have one.)
    A.  File | Open Database
    B.  Click New Database
    C.  Name the database something like HMDB
    D.  Make sure "Copy the current database" is NOT checked and click OK | Yes

4.  Open your HMDB database
    A. From the File | Open Database window, double click your HMDB database

5.  5.  Restore your Cast & Crew only backup
    A.  File | Restore Database
    B.  Browse to the location of your backup_CC.dpb
    C.  Select the file, click Open | Next
    D.  Uncheck all options except "Restore cast and crew databases (including photos)"
    E.  Since this is the backup from your Main Local Database, select Replace Existing
    F.  Click OK

6.  Perform a database repair on your HMDB database.
    This removes all C&C without headshots from your HMDB database to make your submission file as compact as possible.
    A.  Tools | Options | Utilities
    B.  Click Repair DVD Profiler Database | Yes
    C.  DVDP will close, and the repair tool will start.  Either do a Full repair with every option checked
    D.  Or do a Custom repair with at least the following 4 options checked:
        1. Remove unused
        2. Cast members
        3. Crew members
        4. Preserve cast\crew with images
    E.  Click Repair

7.  Perform a Cast & Crew only backup of your HMDB database.
    A.  File | Backup Database
    B.  Choose a name and location for the backup including your DVDP forum username in the filename: <username>backup_CC.dpb.
    C.  Uncheck all options except "Include cast/crew databases, with photos"
    D.  Click OK.

8.  Choose a webspace upload location
    A.  If you have access to your own webspace, upload your <username>backup_CC.dpb file and note the URL.
        Using this method is preferred since there are download limits involved with Rapidshare.com
    B.  If you do not have access to your own webspace:
        1.  Split the backup file using WinZip.  See post #2, Step #4 Here for instructions.
        2.  Upload the file(s) to RapidShare.  See post #2, Step #5 Here for instructions.

9.  Send me a PM with the URL(s) for your backup file(s)
    A.  List the URLs to each part of your backup file if it is split.
    B.  Please make a note in your email if you use nudity or cleavage shots in your local database.

Thanks for submitting!
 Last edited: April 7, 2008 2:17 PM by Dr. Killpatient
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Registered: May 19, 2007
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United States Posts: 5,918
Posted: February 16, 2008 2:15 AM
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I thought I'd give some pointers on how I evaluate headshots....

Here, both high quality headshots.  The one on the right is accepted because a more recent photo will be accepted over one depicting them from a younger age.  The only exception to this is if the actor or actress hasn't been in any movie since their younger photograph was taken.  This should be documented with your contribution.

When I evaluate the headshots, I have to decide which photo makes a better headshot.  Here, the right photo is the better headshot even though it's much smaller.  Though if the left photo was cropped no lower than the lower ribcage, it would have been accepted.

Here is an example of an over crop.  A lot of the headshots I'm reviewing is of the same photo, just cropped closer to the face.  In this case, the left shot is a perfect headshot.  A headshot is also known as a bust shot and shouldn't crop right around the head.
 Last edited: July 1, 2008 8:52 AM by Dr. Killpatient
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Registered: May 19, 2007
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Posted: February 16, 2008 2:42 AM
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Don't worry about removing any birth years from your headshot db's that you contribute to me.
Valid Birth Years (and left in the Headshot DB)
Kenny Baker 1912 1934
David Bradley 1942 1954
Harrison Ford 1884 1942
Jim Norton 1938 1968
Tracy Reed 1942 1949
Kevin Smith 1963 1970
Liz Smith 1921 1923
John Williams 1903 1932
Victor Wong 1906 1927
 Last edited: May 8, 2008 4:46 PM by Dr. Killpatient
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantZoeper
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Posted: February 16, 2008 8:09 AM
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@Dr. Killpatient...
sorry for going offtopic but now I know why you are already at 2021 posts

But great to see a new version!
I'll be downloading it
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorBad Father
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Posted: February 16, 2008 9:52 AM
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Quoting Dr. Killpatient:
Valid Birth Years (and left in the Headshot DB)
Kenny Baker 1912 1934
David Bradley 1942 1954
Harrison Ford 1884 1942
Jim Norton 1938 1968
Tracy Reed 1942 1949
Kevin Smith 1963 1970
Liz Smith 1921 1923
John Williams 1903 1932
Victor Wong 1906 1927

What about?

Jane Adams 1965 1921
My WebGenDVD online Collection
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Posted: February 16, 2008 10:45 AM
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Quoting JP_S:
now I know why you are already at 2021 posts

Whoa, didn't even notice!

Skip, I'm comin' after you....
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Posted: February 16, 2008 10:45 AM
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Quoting 8ballMax:
Jane Adams 1965 1921

I only have one Jane Adams.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantAstrakan
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Posted: February 16, 2008 11:33 AM
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Does this version contain the one-off databases listed in the original thread? Like mine, Armand's, surfeur's... there's probably some I'm forgetting.

Tags, tags, bo bags, banana fana fo fags, mi my mo mags, TAGS!
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorBad Father
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Posted: February 16, 2008 3:49 PM
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Quoting Dr. Killpatient:
Quoting 8ballMax:
Jane Adams 1965 1921

I only have one Jane Adams.

I have two:

Jane Adams 1965 (The Brave One, et al)

Jane Adams 1921 (Adventures of Superman: Season 1: Episode 23)

On another note:

Currently the headshot for Willoughby Gray as the King in "The Princess Bride" is of Orson Wells. Does anyone else see this? Or is it just from the Headshot Master that I downloaded?
My WebGenDVD online Collection
 Last edited: February 16, 2008 4:29 PM by Bad Father
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Posted: February 16, 2008 4:57 PM
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I have the 1965 Jane Adams, I'll add the 1921 Jane Adams.  Thanks!
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributormwkirchner
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Posted: February 16, 2008 5:47 PM
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Quoting Dr. Killpatient:
Headshot Database v3

Download Headshots_v3.zip 193 MB (Verizon treats dpb files as text so it's zipped)

Please Note: If you plan on adding nude headshots or adding unconfirmed Birth Years to cast/crew, please do not contribute any headshot updates.  It takes a couple hours of rather boring and tedious effort to verify every BY and then removing the invalid ones before a database update is released.

During the cleanup process, most duplicate entries have been removed.  Different cast with the same name and valid BY's but the same picture on both have been corrected.  Adult photos have been replaced with a shield image to make sure they don't get slipped back in as nudes if someone submits a headshot database without cleaning up or importing v3 after importing an older one.

Thank you so much for taking the time and doing this. Some really nice updated pictures in there. I did a restore using the "let me watch" mode. Can not believe how many nudes were in my database on my computer.

One note: The headshot of Harry Morgan is actually Alan Alda. Just wanted you to know.

Thanks again
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 Last edited: February 16, 2008 5:48 PM by mwkirchner
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorBad Father
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Posted: February 16, 2008 6:06 PM
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Quoting Dr. Killpatient:
I have the 1965 Jane Adams, I'll add the 1921 Jane Adams.  Thanks!

You're quite welcome .
My WebGenDVD online Collection
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorBad Father
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Posted: February 16, 2008 6:09 PM
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Quoting mwkirchner:
Quoting Dr. Killpatient:
Headshot Database v3

Download Headshots_v3.zip 193 MB (Verizon treats dpb files as text so it's zipped)

Please Note: If you plan on adding nude headshots or adding unconfirmed Birth Years to cast/crew, please do not contribute any headshot updates.  It takes a couple hours of rather boring and tedious effort to verify every BY and then removing the invalid ones before a database update is released.

During the cleanup process, most duplicate entries have been removed.  Different cast with the same name and valid BY's but the same picture on both have been corrected.  Adult photos have been replaced with a shield image to make sure they don't get slipped back in as nudes if someone submits a headshot database without cleaning up or importing v3 after importing an older one.

Thank you so much for taking the time and doing this. Some really nice updated pictures in there. I did a restore using the "let me watch" mode. Can not believe how many nudes were in my database on my computer.

One note: The headshot of Harry Morgan is actually Alan Alda. Just wanted you to know.

Thanks again

I've deleted 10 nudes so far and I'm only up to the Gs .
My WebGenDVD online Collection
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantDr. Killpatient
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Posted: February 16, 2008 6:37 PM
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Gods, that was mind-numbing searching for the nudes.  After reaching the U's after hitting the down arrow thousands of times, it finally dawned on me to change the keyboard repeat setting so all I have to do is to hold down the down key and stare at the screen.  I think I was processing about 6-8 a second and it still took hours.  The pics were flashing by fast enough that I had to pause if I wanted to blink lest I miss some.

I replaced the nudes I found with a shield graphic so if you import the v3 database, you'll get rid of them.  Note that if you delete the headshot and then import v3, you'll get the shield without seeing it if my assumption that a new headshot simply gets added without review is true.  I need to verify that.
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