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Invelos Forums->Posts by Lowpro Page: 1  Previous   Next
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Backup DVD Profiler database on old pc.  Restore DVD Profiler database on new pc.  No Internet required.
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 2765
During the recent outage the maintenance page included the below statement.

"One additional note: We're aware of the Android app absence, and will be working to resolve soon."

Just an FYI for those who weren't aware. 
Topic Replies: 11, Topic Views: 3710
Finishing up my watch of "Moonlighting" this evening.

As seen from My Movies for Windows Media Center...

(Click on the preview image above to view my online profile for this title.)

As seen from my Blu-ray player...

(Click on the preview image above to view the full size image.)
Topic Replies: 99, Topic Views: 22984
I purchased a second copy of this the other day for a friend of mine.  Links to my parent profiles provided below.  Within the "Overview" section of each is an "Episode List" and "Episode Guide" with images.  The episode thumbnails were acquired from Google Play.  Time permitting I'll be creating new thumbnails sourced from screenshots of the Blu-ray menus. 

Babylon 5: The Complete Series
Babylon 5: The Complete First Season
Babylon 5: The Complete Second Season
Babylon 5: The Complete Third Season
Babylon 5: The Complete Fourth Season
Babylon 5: The Complete Fifth Season
Babylon 5: The Gathering

(The cover art I created for this release used with the above profiles is available for download, here.)
Topic Replies: 5493, Topic Views: 86436
There is a forum section called, "Contribution Discussion".  It can be found, here.
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 4457
Quoting razorDVD:Its a shame that not many people are contributing, I guess there is not as much need for the application today - everybody goes to Wikipedia or other online sources.

One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.  There's just as much need for this application today as there was during the early years of the DVD format when the program was originally introduced.  All the online crap comes and goes.  Live by the cloud, die by the cloud.  People that are smart don't invest their precious time building some online database they ultimately have no control over.  DVD Profiler provides for working locally, no strings attached.  To each his own, but I don't care whether a given profile exists in the Invelos online database.  I'd just assume create my own profiles locally and have no interest in creating a profile that is in keeping with the contribution rules.  I create a given profile my way right out the gate.  I then lock the profile down and move on.  Again, to each his own naturally.
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 5187
Cast/Crew Edit 2 authored by DJ Doena is what you seek.  Their forum thread for the application is located here.  Enjoy!
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 5187
Quoting rdodolak:
It looks like Invelos' registrar is Network Solutions and their SSL certs are pretty pricey.


My domain is with Network Solutions as well and yes, the SSL cert is bit pricey.
Topic Replies: 132, Topic Views: 40523
There's a significant pause when accessing the "DVD\Add to Collection" option when Invelos.com is offline.  The requests eventually time out allowing you to continue.  That being said, just disconnect from the Internet temporarily prior to selecting the "DVD\Add to Collection" option if you know Invelos.com is offline.  The application in this case will time out immediately allowing you to proceed.  You can then go about your work and connect to the Internet again if you like.  Also, at that point you'll be able to access the "DVD\Add to Collection" option without delay.  Well, for the current session of the application.  If you restart the application the whole song and dance begins again.
Topic Replies: 132, Topic Views: 40523
Quoting rdodolak:
Quoting HELLSPAWN25:
I´m still liking dvd-profiler a lot like it is. I dont need any new features - maybe this: a higher Cover-Resolution would be nice to be possible to read the information on the back-cover.

I would agree on increasing the resolution for cover images.  I recently switched to a UHD monitor and have started to put 1000px wide images in my database which seems perfect.  Maybe it's just a coincidence, but doubling the width of the images increases the resolution 4x similar to going from HD to UHD.  However, the covers at that higher resolution are easily readable as if you're looking at the back of the actual case.

I've been doing the same since DVD Profiler was first made available.  At the time I was running dual CRT monitors at 1600x1200. These weren't the flat CRT's either.  They still had a slight curvature to them.  Eventually I upgraded to a couple flat CRT's.  Faster forward to today and I run dual DELL 24" UltraSharp LCD monitors at 1920x1200.  So that vertical height has remained consistent over all this time.  The height of the cover images I use has remained consistent all this time as well.

From day one I found the cover image size inadequate that DVD Profiler uses, i.e. the image size used by the Invelos online database. (Data storage was to be had at a premium compared to today which I'd imagine is one of the reasons for this.)  As such, I made an effort to always use my own cover images if possible.  The moment I downloaded a profile I locked the entire profile down for use locally, then replacing the cover images.  In this case I decided to go with cover images that were 1034 pixels in height.  A few examples from my 1920x1200 desktop shown below.

From DVD Profiler for Windows...

(Click on the preview image above to view the full size image.)

From my phpDVDProfiler based website...

(Click on the preview image above to view the full size image.)

From the MyMovies Collection Management application...

(Click on the preview image above to view the full size image.)

Running a desktop at 1200 pixels in height I continue to find covers at 1034 pixels in height to be the perfect size.  To each his own naturally.  For my use case the cover art is able to be viewed at full size without the image needing to be scaled up or down (...no scrolling involved), enough room left to spare for the application/browser it's displayed in, including the Windows taskbar.  Even the smallest of text can easily be read at this image size.  In fact, when in my home theater I project My Movies for Windows Media Center at 150" diagonal.  Sitting 16 feet away from the projector screen I can still read the smallest of text on the back cover images.  Yes, I heard this UHD is a thing, but I still find HD more than adequate, especially in the Windows environment where I'm able to comfortably read text (with no scaling involved) while at the same time running my monitors at their max resolution, the DPI in Windows still set to 100%.
Topic Replies: 132, Topic Views: 40523
As seen from My Movies for Windows Media Center...

(Click on the image above to view my online profile for this title.)

Inside portion of cover art...

(Click on the preview image above to view the full size image.)
Topic Replies: 5493, Topic Views: 86436
Most recent Redbox haul...
Topic Replies: 5493, Topic Views: 86436
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